Homemade Banana Ice Cream Recipe: 5 Steps

Lara Ghandour

Homemade Banana Ice Cream Recipe: 5 Steps

This Homemade Banana Ice Cream Recipe is the perfect low calorie snack!

Best part is you can make it into your own customization, by adding the type of milk you like, whether it's whole milk, low fat, almond milk or soy milk. 

This recipe yields 2-3 scoops and provides:

Low fat: 150kcal

whole fat: 180kcal

Without further or due, let's get started!

First off, you want to make sure your bananas are ripe and medium sized before you get started. 

Peel your bananas and chop them into 1-2 cm width pieces. Place them in a plastic zip-lock or seal able bag and place them in the freezer overnight. 

Second, take your bananas out of the freezer and place them in a food processor. Add 1/4 cup of milk of your choice and blend blend blendd!!!! 

Third, your mixture should now look something like this.. if it doesn't make sure you blend it out until completely smooth!


Finally, scoop up your blend, and place them in a bowl of your choice. Put them in the freezer for an additional hour to get that perfect smooth ice cream texture!

Top it off with some nuts of your choice... and Voilaaa! A healthy sweet treat, low in calories and perfect for a hot summer day. Enjoy!

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