Meal Plans

 Medical Diet               Price: 32$/day 

Details: Our program offers specialized meal plans designed to support your medical needs, whether it's kidney disease, liver disease, hypertension, swallowing difficulties, heart disease, cancer recovery, or other concerns

You'll ensure proper portion control and receive the guidance of experts who understand your unique requirements.

Consists of: Three meals and 2 snacks, side salad, follow-ups with our team of nutrition consultants, and delivery in Beirut region.

 Calories are adjusted according to your needs

Keto Diet                  Price: 32$/day 

Details:The Ketogenic diet is a very low carb, high fat, and moderate protein diet. It was primarily used for the treatment of certain medical conditions. However, recent studies have also shown it to be effective in achieving fast weight loss, resolving insulin resistance and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), as well as reducing cholesterol levels.

Not Suitable For: Clients below 18 years of age, pregnant or breast-feeding women, renal patients, and clients with Diabetes Type 1.

Consists of: Three meals per day with side salad and a snack, all prepared with ingredients high in Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs), follow-ups with our team of nutrition consultants, and delivery in Beirut region.

 Calories are adjusted according to your needs 

High Protein Diet                Price: 30$/day 

DetailsOur packages are carefully crafted to meet the unique needs of athletes, providing not only ample protein but also balanced nutrition to fuel your workouts and enhance endurance.

Consists of: Three meals and 2 snacks, side salad, follow-ups with our team of nutrition consultants, and delivery in Beirut region.

 Calories are adjusted according to your needs 


Classic Diet                    Price: 30$/day 

If you want a highly customized menu, this diet is just for you!

Ideal For: new mom that's adjusting to breastfeeding, a pregnant woman, or have irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance... you name it!!

Consists of: Three meals and 2 snacks, side salad, follow-ups with our team of nutrition consultants, and delivery in Beirut region.

 Calories are adjusted according to your needs 

Detox Diet                         Price: 30$/day 

Details:This is a limited program (usually 10 days), Gluten-free, energizing diet that highlights fiber, anti-oxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. Fish and dairy are the main sources of protein in this diet.

Ideal For: People who want to cleanse their bodies, cancer patients, and vegetarians.

Consists of: Three meals and two snacks to assist the body’ cleansing process and help with weight loss. The meals could include anything from soups, stews, smoothies and nuts. Including follow-ups with our team of nutrition consultants, and delivery in Beirut region.

 Calories are adjusted according to your needs

Go-Flat Diet                       Price: 27$/day 

Details:This is a limited program (usually 10 days),  formulated with special ingredients, monounsaturated fatty acids such as; avocado, nuts, seeds, oils, olives, and dark chocolate, to help burn fat around the belly and shed centimeters from your waistline.

Ideal For: People with excess belly fat, suffering from cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, IBS or having fat on liver.

Consists of: Three meals and one MUFA-rich snack, side salad, follow-ups with our team of nutrition consultants, and delivery in Beirut region.

 Calories are adjusted according to your needs 

Simple Diet                       Price: 26$/day 

Its name says it all! Simple & delicious foods with a preset menu & a daily choice between two lunches!

Consists of: Three meals and 2 snacks, side salad, follow-ups with our team of nutrition consultants, and delivery in Beirut region.

 Calories are adjusted according to your needs 

The Basic Plan                   Price: 20$/day

Ideal For: Working mothers, employees, students, no previous or current health condition

Don't include customization

Consists of: Three meals and 1 snack, including delivery in Beirut region


For menu details call us on  01316806 or by whatsapp 

Daily delivery straight to your doorstep!